Bad Breath and Tonsil Stones (Solved) 口臭及扁桃腺結石問題 (含實際解決方法)

To be elegant, you should not have bad breath!
What are the symptoms of tonsil stones?
Bad breath, Feeling that something’s stuck in your throat, sore throat, Small white or yellow stones that you may spit up.
What causes tonsil stones?
Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths, are small lumps that form in your tonsils.
Materials and debris can get trapped in the tonsillar crypts. The material can harden or calcify, forming stones.
How are tonsil stones treated?
tonsillectomy – having your tonsils removed? Sure not!
Coughing? It hurts throat!
Gargling with salt water or apple cider vinegar? Not always working! And hurt your tooth.
Suggest to clear tonsil stones with our Tonsil Stones Eraser.
Long enough to reach your throat, easy to erase Tonsil Stones.
non irritative throat-friendly. Comfortable material.
LED light source. Locate Tonsil Stones easily.
5 times Oral Magnifier.
作為紳士, 不應有口臭問題。
口臭, 喉嚨卡卡的, 慢性喉嚨痛, 吐出惡臭的黃白色結石。
切除扁桃腺? 沒事沒幹做什麼手術!
自行咳出來? 傷喉嚨!
鹽水或蘋果醋漱口? 不是每次都能去除結石!蘋果醋傷牙齒。
長度能伸入喉嚨, 輕鬆挖出結石。
不傷喉, 不刺激喉嚨, 使用舒適可屈物料。
配有LED光源, 方便清晰檢查結石位置。
5倍放大鏡, 精準落位。
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