In the sagacity of cities, the plenitude of open spaces or the daydream of a villa, CHANEL ambassadors Whitney Peak, Margaret Qualley and Lily-Rose Depp play the game of autobiography. Like a page of a diary written in an affable, imaginary ink, they tell their stories, and ours.
On their arm, the CHANEL 22 bag, a genuine ally for daily life captured by Inez & Vinoodh through three films.
CHANEL品牌大使Whitney Peak、Margaret Qualley及Lily-Rose Depp分別 在繁忙都市,廣闊自然天地及午後的別墅場景中書寫人生傳記,以寫日記般的親切筆觸及想像力訴說你我皆有共鳴的故事。
廣告主角手上的CHANEL 22手袋是日常良伴,由Inez & Vinoodh執導的三條廣告片呈現其獨特個性。
“This might be my favourite CHANEL bag so far. I’m a huge fan of functional pieces and tend to travel with my life in my bag.”

From the kiss of dawn to the rays of a setting sun in Los Angeles, Lily-Rose Depp personifies the privilege of youth, when clocks do not have the monopoly over time.
Lily-Rose Depp在洛杉磯的晨曦與日落之間彷彿忘記了時間的存在,盡展青春本色。

Echoing her childhood in a ranch in Montana, Margaret Qualley escapes to the desert, the ideal setting for a reunion with nature.
Margaret Qualley在沙漠中與大自然親密接觸,與她在蒙大拿州牧場度過童年的經驗呼應。

“The CHANEL 22 bag is a perfect example of Virginie viard’s natural ability to create pieces that empower women. This is a bag that accommodates a woman’s every need.”
“Virginie Viard擅長以精巧手袋設計展現女性自強的態度,CHANEL 22正是最佳示範,完全配合當今女性生活所需。”